Hi, I’m Sarah Daly

I’m the founder and artist behind Creatr.

I’m a professional artist, based in Australia. I work with interior designers, architects and property developers on large scale commissions. But I didn’t start there. I’ve failed way more than I’ve succeeded. It took me a long time and a lot of research to figure out how professional artists design their careers and achieve a reliable income.

I went to art school early on, but I didn’t feel like I could rely on my art for an income. So I went on to do my Master of Business Administration, learned entrepreneurship, and co-founded a couple of companies, including my art business. In 2020, I started my PhD. In 2022, I completed the global Artist Success Project, learning from over 300 global artists the factors that contribute to artists earning a living from their art.

In 2023, I started Creatr because I believe the knowledge I discovered on how to have a thriving art career is necessary, and isn’t already taught. The Full Time Artist Formula is our online course developed from the research.

Connect with me on LinkedIn.

You can also find me on Instagram @sarahdaly.art.

We help artists succeed in the online economy.

Our mission is to help artists create rewarding careers and reliable income. We provide research backed knowledge and services that help artists thrive. Rather than just relying on our own knowledge, we research what is actually working for successful artists globally. We then create the resources you need to design an art career that is right for you.